Perhaps the title should be, “A World of Ideas” because that is what America’s last traditional three-ring circus represents. Reality consists of social media, viruses, smartphones, highway traffic, and a long banal etc.– sapping existence of all its potential glory. A world of ideas offers something new, escapism from reality; but ideas presupposes reality, or else they would be nothing but mental ethereal things awaiting fruition, right? I digress, or do I? Maybe not.
Ebullient ideas abound inside an isolated, protective space from an outside world laden with restraints. At a traditional three-ring circus, there are no restraints; in fact, there’s no room for taste either, not even taste buds. The concessions were regulated to the front entrance only. Inside, a variety show for the eyes. Each attempt at amusement was unabashed, elaborate, and tongue-in-cheek. Nothing could be taken seriously, and, seriously, nothing could be taken. The fun was its levity and impermanence, which filled the atmosphere and became intoxicating.
All in all, the show was something of a respite from a world brimming with consequences. Here, one’s inner self was released– or where a child can be a child– a place for the whims of the ageless, the stargazer, even the
uninitiated. There was a pledge of allegiance, a legion of the vertically
or horizontally inclined, and a pachydermatous climax. The quality of hands-on,
timeless entertainment was nourishing.
No, there is no pure escapism, but folks(!), this is about as close as you can get to a world full of germinating ideas, sheathed in bright lights and adorned with glitter– in the name of all-American family fun!